March is National Tick Awareness Month

Ticks are small bloodsucking parasites that can carry a whole host of dangerous diseases that can be transmitted to pets and humans. Prevention is the best way to protect your pets and yourself against tick-borne diseases, such as Lyme disease.

A few facts about ticks…

  • At 4°C ticks start looking for an animal or a person to feed on for a blood meal, and will continue until the temperature consistently remains below 4°C.
  • Blacklegged ticks can be active any time temperatures are 4°C and above, including mild days during the winter months.
  • Ticks can survive the winter by hiding under snow, leaf litter, and brush.
  • Ticks are expanding their range in parts of Canada at a rate of 46 km per year.

The risk of pets and people being exposed to ticks and the diseases they can carry—like Lyme disease—is growing.

Prevention is the best way to protect you and your pets against tick borne disease such as Lyme disease. 





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